THE HUNT (Part 2)
Meister Kluggman stands from his tall backed chair and steps forward from the dais, to the table, where all men are standing. "Before me, I see noble gentlemen, whether in action, or in birth. We stand in the midst of a hall built by the forebearers of all of Rheulgard, a fitting place I say, to forge new alliances. The men to the left and right of me have already been tested in the matter of preserving my own lifeblood, but will they risk their own to protect mine own land? Yes, I say. Heroic lads the lot of you, and our Council should reflect the valor and bravery that was shown in the hunt of the pike." Gundehar paces back and forth at the head of the table, speaking to the room, "The Council of Deep Thought is fine name, but does not convey our capability nor purpose. And, I say this warning to the council as well, do not interfere nor subvert the governing of Rheulgard. Any who would subvert our regency will face me as an enemy. Any of our Triumvirate may attest to this, and do not want their claws clipped by a committee of Theologians and Merchants, or I should put this blade back into the jaw of the Pike." he says, gesturing to the weapon on his side. "I put forth that we shall organize solely for the hunt of and protection from Anshwegh, or explicit external threat to Rheulgard." Meister Kluggman then beckons to his youthful servants, who bring forth a leather wrapped package, bulging in their thin arms. The leather is untied, and splayed across the table, revealing a score of daggers, hilts fashioned of pale bone, blades of metal, each handle inlaid with a silver symbol. A large, covered silver dish, secretly laid amidst the table is uncovered. The Skull of the Pike is revealed, laid in the center of the table, scrimshawed with High Brecht scripts of many battles and acts of valor, including the pike's own demise. Gundehar takes up one of the daggers, and slips it onto his belt. "Gifts for you all, you shall notice the silver inlay is High Brecht, 'friend', it reads," He then draws his elven leaf-bladed broadsword, and lays it upon the table. "This blade was a symbol of friendship between elven and Brecht. It is the true Sword of the Silent Watch. Now, I believe it shall represent our kinship, and we should call our gathering the Council of Pike's Head, to display our valor to all those that would look upon us."
The Theocrat reaches to the table and takes one of the daggers, eyeing it with satisfaction. He slips it into a fold of his robe and appears to puff up as he prepares to speak "A fine speech, and a fine sentiment. The pike serves as a great icon of our unity as the ruling authority of Rheulgard. A question remains in the aspect of rulership, which is the defense of our lands. The Rheulgardian Lancers rest at my court, but Lancers are not of use without infantry. I propose we nominate a General of the Armies to serve the lands as the master of the troops in times of war."
Gundehar's great mirth is beaming from his face, "I think it is clear that you are the academic master of Rheulgard, Dear Rhulad, so it is between myself and Baron Waldemar to take up the yoke of General. I would elect myself the honor, but I am interested to hear the Baron's take first, if he so wishes the position."
The Baron stands up curtly, "Meister Kluggman has my support." he picks a dagger, eyeing up the engraving again. "My bond with my men is like that of a father and his sons. I shan't lead anyone else into battle without prejudice."
Without fanfare, Kort Lap Tunraus of the Nacteben Church of Ruornil and Pieter Astridssen of the Old Father of Forests arrive. Pieter wears a simple, roughspun brown wool robe, and carries a simple walking stick. He has bright red hair; his most ostentatious sign of Rjurik heritage. Kort Lap Tunraus is hardly more ostentatious, wearing black robes with silver trimmings and carrying a more smoothed walking staff. The jingle of something metallic around his wrists indicates he may wear some jewelry there. Pieter speaks first. "Greetings, lords. We come before you with a dream, one that you may share: a dream of a peaceful and unified Brechtur. Not one conquered by war, but unified in a grand alliance, hearkening back to the days of the Brecht League - without the imperial ambitions."Kort follows up by withdrawing a scroll from one of his sleeves, and places it on the long table. He unrolls it, displaying a great map of the Great Bay. "You see, in Rheulgard, you have a very unique position. You are ringed by potential allies... save, perhaps, Molochev, and have access by river to the powerful city-states of the Basarji people. We hope you will consider seeking alliance, at least a defensive pact, with all your neighbors, that the scourge of the Awnshegh and other wicked men may be driven from our lands." Kort appears far more interested in the latter half of the statement than the prior.
Kluggman is surprised by the sudden arrivals amongst his ale drinking, "Hail good Fathers, welcome to my hall. You are all guests of the Meister of Poden. I am awaiting the answer of these allies, thinking deeply, and seated before me." He looks around to the seated lords and guildsmen with a look of anticipation. "We have the beginnings of what we will be calling 'The Council of Pike's Head', as the one you see before you. We one and all came together to hunt a vile Anshwegh, the foul Pike, an odious fish monster that did plague our good Bannelach. This piece at the center of our grand table is the skull of said beast, The good Knight Otto Von Podenstahl, the Sword of Unbrau, Pike Slayer, was its end. And I personally retrieved the Blade of Silent Watcher from its still-living jawbone." Gundehar takes up the blade from the table and flourishes it in the air before returning it to his scabbard. "We are the scourge of the Anshwegh, and so, to resolve such matters of defense have formed this very council. You must know of this blade's auspicious nature, being a symbol of elf-friendship, we extend this to all of Rheulgard, although greater Brecht may be quite the political knot to unravel. Yea, all of Rheulgard is represented here, so we may speak for them, but no promises shall be made for without."
Otto, despite attending and being spoken of, has been silent throughout the meeting, inpecting the dagger he had been gifted. He must be having some deep thoughts indeed. "You flatter me, but don't forget there is one more famous Awnshegh in these lands... that said, my attention is elsewhere, what father Tunraus had said. My ships - which are just as ready to protect their homeland as their soldiers - have been going south lately. The unclaimed lands of the Burrows may serve as a good forward base, and there is some metal below the mountains that the Halflings are not too interested in. The problem, however, are the southern raiders. Travel to the richer lands is dangerous. The river can quickly turn hostile. Right now, we cannot accomplish it. We would have more luck with the elves. What I mean is that someone should probably send missions to Coullabhie and Innishiere, to tell them of what had passed here... Paschacht, is a difficult matter I would rather not get into now." Otto seems to have intended to say something else, but changed his mind. "Either way, southeast and southwest seem to have high potential to me. More trade on the river will also make it easier to protect the southern farmsteads - from the raiders of Molochev, or from the desert. The last thing we need is more trees - no offense, Father of Forests."
Pieter winces at that, "Not all nature is forest, my friend. There is something unnatural about the blasted lands in the Tarvan Wastes, but Khinasi lands are natural savannah, mostly. Good grazing land for herds, if trade be what you desire. Good horses from Khinasi lands."
Otto continues, "Yes, that's also the reason why no one comes in Rheulgard or out easily. Horses cost a fortune. I'd consider horses a part of civilization - everyone has them at work, but Brecht. It speaks of our tenacity that a few farmers still drag the plough with just their backs. Vos might just be using an Ard, but at least there's a horse dragging it most of the time."
Kort Lap Tunraus of the Nachteben Church of Ruornil replies; "The danger of the forests is another part. Aside from the safe havens of towns, there are still many terrible things lurking in these woods. It is no coincidence that the elves let the Brecht take these woods without much of a challenge. To the northwest, near Paschacht and Treucht, there is a vile Awnshegh by the name of Meson the Wolfman who butchers our people. The waterways occasionally swarm with the spawn of the Hydra from distant Harrowmarsh. Other, fouler things come down the mountains on occasion - perhaps conjured by the Banshegh. I fear there are gates to the Shadow World active in this land, but I have insufficient manpower to find them." He glares around the room, "Indeed, even had I such power, without a unified travel law, I do not know how freely myself or my priests could travel! We have little enough resources as it is."
Kluggman smiles, and places a hand on the shoulder of the Knight Otto, "Forgive me for speaking romantically, my friend. I merely mean we will not tolerate the scourge of anshwegh, not that we will foolishly throw our resources against every shadow that we may jump at. Nonetheless, I do believe the Tarvan wastes may hold some promise for us, perhaps the priestly one in our presence can take advantage of this lack of virtue, or structure, and offer it, from the generous hand of Rheulgard."
"Oh, but I have!" Rhulad booms, hand sweeping out from under his robes after a period of silence. "Just this month I have sent a great boon to some most wonderful people in the Tarvan Wastes, to bring civilization to the savages and the light of Avani to their hearts". He delivers the last point with an edge as he glances at the priest of Ruornil. "Should we develop allies in the south, it provides yet another set of warriors to fight against most unholy barbarians such as the Vos to the east, those winter-worshipping scoundrels"
Kort frowns, "Beware of too close relations with the Tarva barbarians. The Tarva were... corrupted, in some way, before Deismaar. 'Corpse-Eaters', they were called. Those dwelling there now must be their heirs, and should be treated with caution."
Rhulad's voice cuts off the Father, "Surely if they have accepted the light of Avani, it would have scoured clean their souls of any such remnants" Rhulad pronounces, though he makes a mental note of a point of worry. Kort replies with a noncommittal grunt.
Dajjal takes a deep breath from a mouthful too large of food, "I don't believe them all to be corpse-eaters. Aren't we all corpse-eaters? I doubt you would call the consumption of that delicious pike's corpse sinful, your eminence" Dajjal says with a chortle afterwards. "Either way, we are surely good-enough judges of character to develop a pedigree of business partners in the wastes. Perhaps we can help them end the lineage of the carrion-consumers."
Rhulad adds, "If they are the descendants of corpse-eaters, they aren't the actors, so a cultural change, if needed, may come easier through Avani worship."
Kort throws his hands up, "Do as you wish, but know that that land is obviously cursed by the Shadow. Be wary of any ventures there, and do not trust the locals. Meister Kluggman, I request permission to build additional temples in your realm. The backing of the Meister would help in establishing ourselves, and we would be grateful in return." Rhulad grunts loudly, apparently stretching.
Gundehar's countenance tightens. "I didn't realize I needed permission from a priest to make the decisions of Poden. Think this for yourself, what is better? when an alternate group snatches the prospect of that land and our land turns into a little copse on THEIR cursed land?"
He shrugs, not impressed. "The land has been a blasted ruin since before the battle of Deismaar. It has been raided by brigands and adventurers for over 1500 years, and not amounted to anything. I have no hopes that it will ever rise from it's cursed, blasted state."
Pieter interjects, "It could, if we could find the source of what is cursing the land. That may lie in the ruins of the city of Tarva itself..."
Rhulad turns as red as his robe, "You have no faith in the soul of man and its ability to turn away from darkness!? You are no priest, you are a scoundrel!"
Kort scoffs, "Tarva? If you could get past the hordes of gnolls and other foul beasts dwelling there, you'd have to content with the walking dead... and worse. There is a reason none have tried in all these centuries. But... say it did happen, what then? Rheulgard in Tarva? I have no faith in the blood of Azrai. It is strong. All tainted by it eventually twist and become their worst possible selves."
Gundehar grits his teeth, "Beside the curse, beside the blasted dismembered groups of barbarians, think of but this. As the new General of Rheulgard, I insist you consider the tactical advantage of even a small buffer we may carve of the land to our south. What if a Warlord of magical prowess comes to fruition, you know the gnolls and goblins love their shamans, and would froth at the mouth and cause irreprable damage to our south It is not about long term occupation, but short term damage that can have repercussions for a lifetime. Perhaps you will plot your temples, yet forget to buy the masonry?"
Pieter looks less pleased once you bring up the war value, "More to the point, restoring such a blasted land would prove the value of a united Brecht effort! Not just in war or conquest, as the Brecht League of old fell to, but of restoration and revival."
Kort shrugs, "Raids from the south are small in number because the gnolls of the Sphinx butcher the people of the Tarvan Wastes if they gather in large numbers. A sad state of affairs, but they are already a buffer state. Should they grow strong, they would invite greater attention from wicked Aftane and the Sphinx; possibly even the fat fool of Sendoure would take notice and want to interfere."
Gundehar steps onto the dais and sits in his tall-backed chair. "Bash war and conquest all you may, but when a horde of gnolls orgies in the burning husk of your place of worship, you would clamor for a single spear of Rheulgard at your side. And we must trust the sphinx as we do one of our councilmen? All of these outsiders?"
Kort's face is even more stern, "Without assistance from Coullabhie or Innishiere, I do not forsee this going well. War is what will happen if the status quo changes - a war from a front you have spent great effort to open, one that is all but closed at the moment. Or... perhaps even the Burrows. They are cunning warriors, and know the ways of the Shadow better than I, even. If they agreed to join in a venture into that cursed land, I would throw my full support behind it."
Kluggman takes another swill of ale, "Perhaps. I tire of this drawn out fictional campaigning. Pieter, what do you request of the Pike's Head Council?"
Pieter bows, "All I would have is unity in purpose. A diplomatic outreach to nearby Muden and Berhagen would be a start - a long-term goal would be something such as this meeting, but across multiple nations. Short-term is at least the opening of diplomatic contact with your neighbors, such as they are. Rheulgard has stood alone for too long! To see this done, I would submit the assistance of what few of my druids and rangers I can spare for delivering missives to the supposedly closed realms of Coullabhie and Innishiere."
Kort, not to be outdone, "I offer the aid of faithful magicians and priests to a similar end, especially as far as contacting wizards or more distant regents goes."
Kluggman smiles, "This is a goal of the Pike's Head Council as well. We would use your invaluable faithfuls, good fathers. Perhaps our neighbors should be informed of our procurement of the Blade of Silent Watcher, and the slaying of the Pike. Keep your robes on, Kort. I am granting your request as well, against my better judgement. However, this is permission, not a sponsorship."
Kort nods, "I did not expect to be named the state religion, simply to be granted permission to spread the faith. If you seek a magical advisor, I can recommend a few, at a later date."
A wry smile crosses Gundehar's face "I may consult the Hobbits about magical advisors instead. They seem just as wise."
Kort gives a polite chuckle, "They are wise in the ways of the Shadow World, not the mysteries of magic. Still, the halflings of the Burrows are good folk. Would that they could wield magic: they would be the greatest champions against the Shadow!"
The Baron of Stille Wachter, Albrecht Waldemar, speaks up for the first time since he arrived. "If alliance can be secured, and we don't risk our borders alone, then it shall be so. I will send a missive to the Faerie King of Innishiere to see if he will grant permission for ships to sail on the rivers through his land. His law is, if I recall, 'Death to humans that set foot in Innishiere.' If the sailors do not disembark, then, we may be able to come to an accord. That would allow us to sail support troops to the Uighurs of Tarva, and would open trade along the Zhainge River to Kozlovny, at least. Sailing past Aftane, the Basilisk's domain, and Djira may be more trouble than it is worth... but what we get could be worth it."
"Thank you very much." Otto bows to the Baron. "Then I will finalize my long ready trade route from Podenstahl to Edlun. That way, we will be ready to bring wealth to the Elves. And conversely, their vigorous seeds will be delivered to the heart of Rheulgard."
Albrecht nods to that. "What of you, Meister Klugmann, or you, Meister Rhulad? What are your plans for the next season, that we may act united and better improve the lot of all Rheulgard?" Rhulad states, "I shall be working on the development of the provinces of Unbrau to increase the prosperity of Rheulgard as a whole, I shall leave the matters of trade and diplomacy to those adept in such areas"
Kluggman lifts a glass, "I will be holding a tournament in Potlen, both for sport, and to perhaps groom a suitable lieutenant, When this is complete, I may act in a more full scope. I am also discussing diplomatic relations wit Pashacht, amongst my advisors. This line of diplomacy may help with endeavors to the elves that we may seek."
GM note: A fine first meeting... It is decided in the future it might be wise to send a lieutenant to such a meeting, if seasonal, or decide it will be yearly or only called if something significant comes up.